Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Cosmic Psychology Level 1

  • 2

    The Philosophical Science of Numbers

    • An Introduction to Numbers

    • How Numbers Came to Be

    • Numbers in Time

    • The Language & Science of Numbers

    • The Seven Cosmic Laws & Numbers

    • Quiz: The Philosophical Science of Numbers

  • 3

    Cosmic Psychology Workshop

    • Cosmic Psychology an Open Forum

  • 4

    Numerology: The Foundations

    • Numerology & Numbers

    • Alpha Numerical Calculations

    • Quiz: Numerology Foundations

  • 5

    Numerology: Identifying Soul Purpose & Trauma

    • Life Path & Numbers

    • Expression Number

    • Soul Urge Numbers

    • Personality Numbers

    • Hidden Talents & Numbers

    • Trauma (Karma) & Numbers

  • 6

    Numerology: Soul Growth Cycles Part 1

    • Life Cycles & Key Number

    • Life Path Pinnacles & Numbers

    • Challenge Numbers

    • Quiz: Soul Growth Cycles Part 1

    • Resources and further reading

  • 7

    Numerology: Soul Growth Cycles Part 2

    • The Essence of Transit Cycles

    • Personal Years, Months, Days & Yearly Pinnacles

    • Yearly Pinnacles

    • Quiz: Soul Growth Cycles Part 2

  • 8

    Numerology: Integrating the Numerical Blueprint

    • Planes of Expression

    • Bridge Numbers

    • Quiz: Integrating the Numerical Blueprint